Table of content

Front pages

  • [[Table of content]]

  • [[About this book]]


  • [[Opening Anecdote]]: A captivating story demonstrating AI’s impact on daily life.

  • [[Purpose & Scope]]: What the book covers and its goals.

Part I: The History of AI

  1. Chapter 1: The Dawn of AI

    • [[Early Concepts and Science Fiction Inspirations]].

    • [[Key Figures and Milestones in the Early Development of AI]]]

    • [[The Turing Test and its implications]]

  2. Chapter 2: Winter and Revival

    • [[The AI winters- periods of reduced funding and interest]]

    • [[Breakthroughs That Reignited AI Research]]

    • [[Government and Private Sector Roles in AI Development]]

  3. Chapter 3: The Rise of Machine Learning

    • [[Transition from Symbolic AI to Machine Learning]]

    • [[Key algorithms and model]]

    • [[Influential Research and Pivotal Moments in Machine Learning]]

Part II: Recent Advancements in AI

  1. Chapter 4: Deep Learning Revolution

    • [[Introduction to Deep Learning and Its Significance]]

    • [[Landmark Achievements and Applications]]

    • [[Challenges and Limitations of Deep Learning]]

  1. Chapter 5: AI in Everyday Life

    • [[AI Applications in Healthcare, Finance, Entertainment, and More]]

    • [[Case Studies of Successful AI Implementations]]

    • [[Ethical Considerations and Societal Impacts]]

  1. Chapter 6: AI and Big Data

    • [[The Symbiotic Relationship between AI and Big Data]]

    • [[How Data Drives AI Advancements]]

    • [[Privacy Concerns and Data Management Issues]]

Part III: The Future of AI

  1. Chapter 7: AI Research Frontiers

    • [[Current Cutting-Edge Research in AI]]

    • [[Potential Breakthroughs on the Horizon]]

    • [[The Role of Quantum Computing in AI’s Future]]

  2. Chapter 8: AI and Employment

    • [[The Impact of AI on Jobs and the Economy]]

    • [[Reskilling and Upskilling the Workforce]]

    • [[Predictions for Future Job Markets]]

  3. Chapter 9: AI Governance and Ethics

    • [[The Need for AI Regulation and Policy]]

    • [[Global Efforts in AI Ethics and Governance]]

    • [[Balancing Innovation with Responsible AI Use]]

  4. Chapter 10: AI and Human Creativity

    • [[AI as a tool for enhancing human creativity]]

    • [[Collaborations Between AI and Artists, Writers, and Musicians]]

    • [[Future Possibilities for AI in Creative Industries]]


  • [[Summary of Key Points- Recap of the Book’s Main Ideas]]

  • [[Final Thoughts- Reflections on the Journey of AI and Its Potential]]

  • [[Call to Action- Encouraging Readers to Engage with AI Thoughtfully and Responsibly]]


  • [[Glossary of AI Terms]]

  • [[Further Reading and Resources]]

  • [[Index]]


  • [[Citations of Research Papers and Books]]

  • [[Acknowledgments]]